I recently had the following question from Kris on the EasyDigitals.com Facebook page:

Question: I’m a real estate photographer, do you have any templates that would help me enhance any of my photos?

Answer: The first one that pops into my mind is the “beautiful home” magazine cover here.

One trend I’ve noticed in Real Estate photography is the use of HDR techniques in the photos that show the house. Have you considered enhancing your photos with Topaz Adjust? This would put you a step above the competition.

Here is a photography company that consistently does something like this, they call it “Enhanced Lighting Compression”.  I can give you a few suggestions to do this yourself.


  1. Always save a back up of the original image or make new layer that won’t be used.
  2. Start with a quality photo. Below is a snap shot I took with my Nikon COOLPIX s610 at a model home in Phoenix, Az. I used natural lighting with no flash.
  3. Enhance the photo by removing noise and fixing the exposure by watching this 3 part tutorial series.
  4. Run Topaz Adjust’s “Dramatic” filter. Reduce the strength to about .89 and tweak as needed.
  5. If the image has any noise,  run landscape noise reduction again.
  6. Final Tip: Always post your photos around 1024px on the largest side, people should not have to struggle to see the images. Also try to reduce any room clutter.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this formula. Please give feedback below.
